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Perinatal & Wellness

Celebrating and Supporting Your Journey


Mystical Woman on the Moon

Welcome, beautiful soul, to your sacred journey of motherhood! Here at Moonchild Perinatal & Wellness, I'm honored to walk alongside you as your trusted guide and confidante. Just as every birthing journey is unique and deeply personal, I believe in empowering you to choose the package that resonates most with your heart and desires.

My name is Cierra Meenachan, think of me as your supportive big sister, here to offer gentle guidance and unwavering support as you navigate the beautiful adventure of pregnancy, childbirth, and early motherhood. With my range of customizable packages, you have the freedom to tailor your experience to perfectly suit your needs, preferences, and vision for your birth journey.

Whether you're seeking comprehensive doula support from prenatal to postpartum, a customized blend of services to meet your specific needs, or simply a compassionate companion to hold space for you during this transformative time, I'm here to honor and uplift your choices every step of the way.

Together, let's co-create the perfect package for your journey—one that honors your unique essence, celebrates your inner strength, and empowers you to embrace the magic of motherhood with grace and confidence. Your journey, your choices—let's embark on this sacred path together.

Labor Doula Package

Starts at $950

Our basic package comes with :

  • 3 prenatal appointments
  • Birth Plan Creation
  • 24/7 on call support from 37 weeks
  • labor support
  • 1 postpartum appointment
  • 1 prenatal massage
  • Personal Journey Planner

***additional items can be added

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Embark on Your Birth Journey: Crafting Your Unique Birth Plan

Welcome to the beginning of your incredible birth journey! Whether you're eagerly anticipating the arrival of your little one or you're already navigating the beautiful chaos of pregnancy, it's time to map out your personalized birth plan.

Your birth journey is as unique as you are. It's a tapestry woven with your hopes, dreams, and preferences for bringing your baby into the world. This isn't just about the day of delivery—it's about crafting an experience that honors your body, your baby, and your family.

With guidance, we’ll explore every aspect of your birth plan, from the big decisions to the tiniest details. Together, we'll navigate the twists and turns, empowering you to make informed choices that align with your values and desires.

From the serene atmosphere you envision to the support team by your side, your birth plan is a reflection of your deepest wishes for this momentous occasion. Whether you're dreaming of a natural birth in the comfort of your home or you're seeking the reassurance of medical interventions in a hospital setting, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Abstract Woman with the Moon

Postpartum Package

Starts at $1200

Our basic package comes with :

  • 1 prenatal appointment
  • Postpartum Plan Creation
  • 30 hours of care
  • 1 massage
  • Personal Journey Planner
  • Customization

Empower Your Postpartum Journey: Building Your Village

Congratulations! As you embark on this remarkable postpartum journey, know that you hold the power to navigate it with strength and grace.

This journey is yours, uniquely tailored to you and your family.

From the sleepless nights to the overwhelming love, every moment is a testament to your resilience and courage. Together, let's embrace this journey as a celebration of your strength and the incredible bond you share with your little one. Whether you're facing challenges with feeding, adjusting to your new role, or simply seeking guidance on self-care, I'm here to offer unwavering support and practical advice.

Through our collaboration, we'll uncover the tools and strategies that empower you to thrive as a new parent. Together, we'll celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and navigate the inevitable challenges with resilience and determination.

Remember, you are the heart and soul of this journey. With each step forward, you're not only nurturing your baby but also nurturing yourself. Let's embark on this empowering postpartum journey together, embracing every moment with courage, confidence, and joy.


Magic Hand Lotus Line

Relaxation Massage



Prenatal Massage


Package add on $50

Baby’s First Massage

*Prices vary

Classes for Parents

Sleeping baby.
baby massage

Infant + Family Sleep

This class covers topics on safe sleep. I provide you with evidence-based information on newborn sleep cycles and ways to use it to help everyone in the house get some rest.

Baby’s First Massage

This class covers the benefits of newborn massage. Massage can help with colic, gas and helps calm the developing nervous system of your newborn. Plus its a great way to bond with your baby.

Preparing for birth is a great podcast based Childbirth Class for parents who are on the go. You can listen at your convenience when you are relaxing.

Perinatal & Wellness


Learn more. Let's talk.

Click this LINK for a contact form. Let me know what you are interested in and how I can help. I will get back to you within 24-48 hours

Contact Info

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Mystical Woman with a Hat Sitting